Assault Lawyer
An assault charge can change your life for the worse, making it difficult to see your children, secure good employment, live where you want, and more. Our assault lawyers in Tucson, AZ, can tell your story, defend you, and fight for your rights. See why the accused choose St. Louis Huffman Law.
The Definition of Assault in Tucson
Under Arizona Revised Statute A.R.S. §12-1203, assault occurs if you:
- Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly cause any physical injury to another person.
- Intentionally place another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury.
- Knowingly touch another person with the intent to injure, insult or provoke them.
Following an arrest, it's a good idea to contact a defense attorney who can navigate the law on your behalf, place your best interests before anything else, and fight for you in court if necessary.

“Time is of the essence.”
We Fight For You
Our team of skilled Tucson assault attorneys has over 40 years of combined experience. We know what needs to be done when an individual is facing serious charges.
Felony Aggravated Assault
in Arizona
An assault becomes aggravated assault – a felony charge – when there is some factor that makes the assault more serious than a simple assault. Under Arizona Revised Statute §13-1204, there are a variety of ways that an assault can become a felony aggravated assault, such as:
- You caused a serious physical injury. This injury caused a serious or permanent disfigurement, impaired the victim's health, fractured a body part, resulted in the loss or impairment of the function of any organ or limb, or created a reasonable risk of death.
- You used a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. A deadly weapon is anything designed to cause death, and a dangerous instrument is anything capable of causing death or serious injury (for example, a car). A simulated deadly weapon (like a fake firearm) also qualifies.
- You were in a familial or intimate relationship with the alleged victim that would cause the act to fall under the definition of domestic violence, and you impeded the breathing or circulation of the alleged victim.
- The victim was restrained, bound, or their ability to resist was impaired.
- You entered the private home of another with the intent of committing the assault.
- You are 18 years old or older and committed the offense on someone under the age of 15.
- You violated a protective order to commit the assault.
You Face Serious Penalties for Assault Charges in Arizona

A Tarnished Reputation
Having a criminal record will impact final decisions when you apply for employment, loans, mortgages, or government benefits. You may also find yourself having strained relationships and losing access to your children.

Suspended Rights
If you commit a misdemeanor in Arizona, you won't lose your right to vote. However, if you're convicted of a felony, you won't be able to vote or own firearms. These rights can be restored.

Hefty Fines
The court can impose a fine of $500-$2,500 for a misdemeanor charge. If you're convicted of a felony, you could have to pay up to $150,000. You may also have to pay restitution to the victim to reimburse them for any costs associated with the offense.

Jail Time
You could be facing anywhere from 30 days to six months in jail for a misdemeanor. If you're facing an aggravated assault charge, your sentence will vary depending on the exact charge, the age of the alleged victim, and the occupation of the alleged victim, but could result in up to 12.5 years in prison. If the aggravated assault involved a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, it can be charged as a “dangerous nature offense.” This is punishable by 1.5-24 years in prison.
3 Factors the State Must Prove Before You Can Be Found Guilty
“Our lawyers are dedicated to helping you completely avoid punishment you don’t deserve.”
Our attorneys will challenge the prosecution at every turn. We will do everything we can to build a strong case that humanizes you, tells your side of the story, and centers your best interests.
Assault vs. Domestic Violence
While assault can happen to anyone, domestic violence is the term used to define assault that occurs to another member of your household, such as your child, significant other, parent, or anyone else who lived or lives in the same house.
Assault charges and domestic violence charges can both be used against you in divorce or child custody proceedings.
Our Law Firm's Commitment To Our Arizona Clients
“Just because you look guilty in the police report doesn't mean you are. Our lawyers serving Tucson will use every resource and connection at their disposal to prove your innocence and secure the best possible outcome in your case.”