If you’re facing a DUI conviction in Arizona, it’s important you get a lawyer who knows the science behind the law. At St. Louis Huffman Law, our DUI attorneys understand the complexities of blood and breath testing—and how results can be challenged. Call our office to book a free consultation and see how we can help you.
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00:00:03.520 --> 00:00:11.095
I think people understand that the DUI
is a really specialized area of the law.
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You have to understand the science.
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You have to understand blood testing.
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You have to understand breath testing.
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You have to understand
field sobriety testing.
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Who can do it, who can't do it, where
it can be done, where it can't be done.
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There are issues regarding
the stops of the vehicle.
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There are issues regarding
decisions to arrest people.
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There are issues with whether field
sobriety tests can be admissible
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if they were done correctly.
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DUI is really a specialized field.
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It is an area unto itself.
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If you've got an attorney that does DUI as
one of 15 other areas of law that they
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practice, that's probably not
the place that you want to be.
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I think a lot of people, if
there's a blood test result in their case,
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feel that it's hopeless, feel that that is
something that just can't be challenged.
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I'm very passionate about challenging
blood test results,
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and that's because I really have learned
everything that can go
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wrong with a blood test.
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I spend a week
every year at a laboratory in Arlington,
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Texas, teaching other lawyers how blood
should be drawn, how it should be tested,
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and how to talk about blood to jurors.
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You need somebody fighting for you.
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You need somebody who knows how to
challenge blood test evidence, how to
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challenge breath test evidence, how
to challenge field sobriety tests.
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Having the right lawyer when you walk into
a courtroom on a DUI charge can make
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all the difference in the world.
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At St.
Louis, Huffman Law, that's what we do.
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When we walk in, the judges and the
prosecutors know we know what we're doing.
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We fight these cases to death,
and we get good results for our clients.